Snow Day

Can’t believe it

waiting all night

looking outside

waiting for more to fall

it just feels right


9 am waiting for it to stop

so then I can play

looking outside

called David to play Minecraft

I fed my horse hay


David had to eat

but so did I

looking outside

thinking how thick it would be

I still can’t believe what I’m seeing with my very own eyes


the day felt like a week

I’m so bored

looking outside

watching a movie with my mom

my tablet died so I plug in the cord


1 pm

finally it stopped

looking outside

so then I played in the snow

filled with joy, I hopped


we build a snowman

so happy

looking outside

I threw snowballs at my mom

I became tired so I felt sleepy


10 pm

time to sleep

looking outside

hoping that we still have snow

in the morning, I’m waiting for a beep, beep, beep ….

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