Snow Day

Can’t believe it

waiting all night

looking outside

waiting for more to fall

it just feels right


9 am waiting for it to stop

so then I can play

looking outside

called David to play Minecraft

I fed my horse hay


David had to eat

but so did I

looking outside

thinking how thick it would be

I still can’t believe what I’m seeing with my very own eyes


the day felt like a week

I’m so bored

looking outside

watching a movie with my mom

my tablet died so I plug in the cord


1 pm

finally it stopped

looking outside

so then I played in the snow

filled with joy, I hopped


we build a snowman

so happy

looking outside

I threw snowballs at my mom

I became tired so I felt sleepy


10 pm

time to sleep

looking outside

hoping that we still have snow

in the morning, I’m waiting for a beep, beep, beep ….

The Gamer

This friend came into my life in 5th grade. I was sitting at lunch talking to David until I heard someone beside me say, “ Pokemon”. I was like, “ Hey, do you like Pokemon and if you do, do you have Pokemon Soulsilver ? “ He said “ Yes.” and I asked him,” Do you want to become friends ?” He said,” Sure why not.” And that’s how our little adventure begins. I admire my friend Logan Childress cause he’s trustworthy and he always cheers people up even when times are rough.

Logan is trustworthy because if he wasn’t I’ll probably not be his friend right now. Another reason why he’s trustworthy is because he does what’s right no matter what the problem is. It’s obvious that he’s a great friend and that’s why I can also trust him. Finally upon being trustworthy he cares about everyone even if he has diabetes.

Logan’s personality always cheers people up. When he smiles, it makes everyone else smile. Although he makes us happy, he also encourages us up by helping us or by giving us advice. As a friend Logan is funny around his friends and that’s another reason I admire him.

The adventure doesn’t end there, Logan and other several friends still have fun hanging out. I don’t know when our adventure ends, but I hope it never ends. We don’t know what the future has in store for us, but I know it will be great things happening to us. This isn’t all but when our little adventure does end, I hope we can still play in our games.

Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Definition

waterA compound is two or more elements that is chemically combined and can’t be separated .
salad (1)A mixture are two or more elements that aren’t chemically combined and can be separated.
gold-ingotsAn element is the building blocks of matter that form everything else.

Found Images at Google Images …

Life Or Stuffing

At Logan’s birthday party there was a bang, a pow, and a boom! Laughter, people yelling,” HEAL ME ! “, it was a crazy party, but everyone had fun. We won’t forget that crazy day that everything was destroyed into dust. Everyone got a least a point during war.
When we started, it all began with a floosh passing by my face and Nathan saying,”Ready!!?!”. We all gathered in Logan’s room and assigned teams. It was Casen, Nathan, and Zach on a team, against Logan, David, and I and we began war.
We fought using stuffed animals, but after a period of time it got a little dull, but after a while someone suggested that we should be able to upgrade our gear. So after that moment it got more fun and people were starting to cheat. We tried to prevent this by decreasing kill worth of people. That stop it for a while, but we couldn’t stop the people cheating, so we got more aggressive. Then it happened someone got hurt cause someone threw their stuff animal at someone else and stuffing came out.                                                                                                                                                So we stopped war and started to pick everything up. We learned that we should try out new thing cause they might not be as bad as you think they are. The reason we learned that is because someone already suggested that idea and we regret doing that, but it turned out to be okay.

President Poem

He was in the Navy during World War 2

He was born in Yorba Lina, California

Tricia, Julie are his children

37th Vice President

Richard Nixon

He had stroke

He was the 37th President

Richard Nixon was President for 5 years .

He talked to the President in China and Egypt .

Looking at the Past and the Future

2013 was good, all the fun and everything, the laughter, sad moments, angry parts . Let’s start at the beginning …
The top three events of my year started at school . In Fourth grade my teacher gave me a letter that was for my parents . When I got on the bus, my mind was telling to open it . I said to myself , ” Should I ? Yes ? No ? Yes . NO! NO, I won’t open it. What if it’s something for school like a surprise and kids don’t need to know ? ” When the bus came to my house , I got off then my dog, Cookie, came to me like she always does . Bark, then open her big eyes, sit down, wagging her tail, and happy I’m home. I open the front door and then gave the letter to my mom. I told my mom, ” I remember when we got Cookie. She was a Chihuahua so tiny that her whole body, yes her whole BODY fitted in my hand! ” Then my mom replied, ” Yes, she was super tiny. because she is a toy Chihuahua. That means that she will be a tiny Chihuahua. We bought her at the beginning of the year. ” ” Yup she’s a good dog. ” ,I said. ” Woof! ” , barked Cookie.

Then my mom opened the letter and read out , ” Dear Parents of Yahir, Your son, Yahir, is invited to be in the Lonestar Leadership Academy. To sign him in, fill out the information and mail it. Hope you have a great day. ” I got the phone and called my dad and told him everything. I asked him , ” Are you going to fill out the information ? ” He said , ” Yes . ” 3 weeks later, he sent the information. I was going to Keller, TX June 16th  and come back at the 21st . I had lots of fun and took lots of photos. Made lots of friends. I learned about Texans are like the we are. Lots of bull riding and cattle. Cowboys and cowgirls fashion. That’s all for that.

In 5th grade I made two new friends, David and Logan. Here’s how I meet them… I asked David what he likes. When he said Minecraft .I said , ” Oh you like Minecraft also. Well I have it! ” So from that point you know what happened, we talked about Minecraft so much and I MEAN A LOT! Every moment we had a choice to talk, we talked. I was talking with him, then I heard Logan ( He was beside me that day ) say something about Pokémon . I stopped talking to David, then talked to Logan . ” You play Pokémon, also do you play Pokémon Soulsilver ? ” ” Yes . ” So you know now what happened again. Talked so much again, but this time with Logan. A week later I was like, I should get my new friends to be friends with each other. So that’s what I did. Now we’re all best friends .

Now the future, well my goals is to exercise a least a hour a day. The reason is simple … I need to lose weight. My second one is to get $100 at my mom’s work. Yes I need money, so I can save up for collage. I need to stop this year is to stop being nervous. I get nervous when I play with people I don’t know that much about them . One thing that really want to learn is how video games are made ? Since I play lots of games, I’m starting to think of becoming a video game designer. So that’s why I need to know how video games are made ? Four  books I want to read is two science books cause I like science but I’m interested in space books . One about Chihuahuas cause I love Chihuahuas and how to take care of them better . And  the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid the one after Hard Luck . That’s all I have to say. Hope you have a great year !